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Review of tapeworms of rodents in the Republic of Buryatia

Trichostrongylina (Nematoda) from Malagasy Muridae. I - Description of two new species of Heligmonellidae in Nesomys spp.

Trichostrongylina (Nematoda) from Malagasy Muridae. I

Other species were Paranoplocephala freemani Haukisalmi, Henttonen et Hardman, 2006, P. primordialis (Douthitt, 1915), both host-generalist species of North American rodents, and two apparently undescribed species of Paranoplocephala s. str. Aprostatandrya octodonensis Babero et Cattan, 1975 from the indigenous South American rodent Octodon

Participants - tapewormPBI

4 Voitto Haukisalmi et al. / ZooKeys 584: 1–23 (2016) Table 1. Variation in measurements (µm) of large rostellar hooks in Taenia lynciscapreoli sp. n. Figures show the range with the mean in parentheses.

Anoplocephalid cestodes of wood rats (<Emphasis Type='Italic

voitto haukisalmi

Voitto Haukisalmi and Robert L. Rausch drawings using a ruler. Neck length was measured from the posterior margin of suckers to the beginning of visible seg-

Checklist of tapeworms (Platyhelminthes, Cestoda) of

voitto haukisalmi

Abstract. The present study reviews the taxonomy, diversity, and zoogeography of Paranoplocephala spp. (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) in arvicoline rodents (voles and lemmings) in Beringia (north-east Siberia and Alaska) based on combined morphological and molecular evidence, and compares the Beringian fauna with the corresponding European fauna.

The Mitochondrial Genome of the Tapeworm Taenia solium: A

Dr. Voito Haukisalmi (Anoplocephalidae) Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finnland; e-mail: voitto.haukisalmi@metla.fi Dr. Roman Kuchta (Bothriocephalidea, Pseudophyllidea)


BibTeX @MISC{Foronda_researchopen, author = {Pilar Foronda and Mercedes López-gonzález and Mariano Hernández and Voitto Haukisalmi and Carlos Feliu}, title = {RESEARCH Open Access Distribution and genetic variation of hymenolepidid cestodes in murid rodents on the Canary Islands (Spain)}, year = {}}

Voitto Haukisalmi - Image Results

Voitto Haukisalmi 3. Results 3.1. The helminth fauna Twenty-three species of intestinal helminths be- longing to trematodes (4 species), cestodes (14 spe- cies) and nematodes (5 species) were found to parasit- ize the Sorex shrews in Finland (Table 1). This helminth community is dominated by cestodes, espe- cially by Hymenolepis species.

CiteSeerX — Body size variation in tapeworms (Cestoda

2 Voitto Haukisalmi et al. / ZooKeys 8: 1-18 (2009) Introduction Th e rodent fauna of the Republic of Buryatia (Russian Federation) represents a mix-ture of Asian, northern Palaearctic and Holarctic species.

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